
Lins is a lightweight, extensible linter for prose—specifically developed with LaTeX in mind. The tool is written in Nim and inspired by Vale.


The source code may be found in the project’s Github repository.

This documentation is generated with Sphinx uses the Alabaster theme.


  • Full Unicode support

  • Integrated support for LaTeX (plain text is also supported)

  • Define rules using YAML

  • Define styles from a collection of rules


The documentation is organized into the following sections:

Reporting Issues

If you discover a bug or what you believe is unintended behavior, please submit an issue on the issue board. A minimal working example and a short description of the context is appreciated and goes a long way towards being able to fix the problem quickly.


Have a look at the project’s upcoming milestones to see where we’re headed.

Additionally, if you have a feature you would like to see added to the tool or perhaps an enhancement of an existing feature, please register an issue on the issue board.


Lins is released under the MIT license.

Third-party Dependencies